Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Random Art Thought...

So don't ask me how or why I started thinking about this...maybe because I'm on vacation...but I was looking at the portraits of Claude and thinking what a nice looking face he had. Then I'm thinking, but wait - it's a self portrait and that's not really how he would look to someone looking at him. He'd be looking in the mirror and so his left ear would appear on the left rather than on the right if I were gazing at him in front of me. And so then, I started thinking about other artists who most likely did self-portraits in front of a mirror rather than from a photograph of themselves (which is kind of cheating in a way don't you think?). So I downloaded a few famous artist self portraits, flipped them horizontally, and here they are.

But notice in Claude's color self-portrait: the Mona Lisa is portrayed correctly in his work, and backwards when I flip his self-portrait! Pretty cool thinking on his part - he must've added that afterward.

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