Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Well, even though the rain and a holiday and work-in-general have kept me from driving around taking pictures, I have continued to do research and put together a spread sheet to keep track of the murals I need to follow-up on. Right now I have about 100 mural sites and I haven't even explored much of mid or south county yet! How cool is THAT?!

Last post I included a couple of details from a mural in Santa Cruz. Above is the full mural (picture credit I think to the artist) out on Mill in downtown Santa Cruz, created by Josh Yoches and Elijah Pfotenhauer. Here is a YouTube video of the work in progress: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aoS9eZ7cJ6Y

And here is Josh's website, which is pretty awesome. Interesting and talented young man:

In future blogs I will include websites and other information about some of the mural artists that have created pieces in Santa Cruz County. Some deliciously amazing talent here!!Link

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