Thursday, April 15, 2010

My college degree was a major in art with a minor in education. When I graduated I looked for jobs as an art teacher (back in the day when schools actually HAD art teachers)...but it was one of those interesting situations where the schools were looking for teachers who had experience. And... you can't GET experience if you can't get a job. It was a Catch 22 back there in Iowa. Needless to say my career bent into a different direction.

But I have always loved "kid art". Fresh, imaginative, colorful, inspired.

Here are a few details from the Bay Elementary School mural at the intersection of Bay and Mission. This is a mural that was guided by mural artist James Achbacher. The young artists of these mermaids were around 9 years old at the time.

Interesting to observe the differences. I wonder if there is a reason why all their tails curve to the visual right? And having queried that, I realize that when I draw people or animals, I have more difficulty rendering them posing to the visual right than left. Hmmmm. What's with that?

Now I'm going to have to experiment: being a right handed person, will drawing with my left hand make it easier to draw people and animals facing the visual right? I'll give it a try.

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