Friday, March 26, 2010


Back at it today. I was meeting a friend out on the west side of town so thought I'd focus my efforts there. On my way to lunch made notes on a couple murals to go back and shoot. Had a fabulous lunch at Avanti's...I mean - where ELSE can you get a baby radish, cucumber and Monterey Bay sardine salad?! And did I mention: to die for?! But it wasn't enough cuz I was pretty hungry having had no breakfast, so I also ordered the did-I-mention-freshly-made asparagus soup?! OMG!

Okay back to the the area of Avanti' the intersection of Bay Avenue and Mission. There were three murals here: two painted by (I think the same artist) Lanny Markasky on Sylvan Music's building and one across the street which was a mural project with locally conspicuous artist James Carl Aschbacher and the then fourth graders (now ninth graders) of Bay Elementary.

I had the interesting experience of nearly colliding with a very large man wearing tie dye while coming around the corner of the Sylvan Music building after photographing the mural. The man cheerfully and immediately said, "How nice to run into you!" Then he introduced himself as John and proceeded to tell me a joke about a man who had purchased a large clock, and while on the way home with it passed by a local pub. A rather intoxicated bar goer was coming out of the pub precisely at that moment and managed to collide with the clock festooned fellow. Whereupon the drunk said "Can't you wear a normal watch like the rest of us?" .....Get it?!

John toted a mandolin, noticed my Santa Cruz Blues Festival tee shirt and we shook hands as fellow musicians. John gave his blessings for the mural project and we both wished each other a great day.

After photographing the murals I decided to head down Bay Avenue to the ocean. Well THAT was a huge distraction! I drove up West Cliff Drive and down West Cliff Drive. What an amazingly gorgeous day. I stopped to take a bunch of photos...couldn't resist.

Finished up with a couple murals along Front Street. And one of them, I have seen for at least a couple years least a couple few times a week...and while photographing it I realized...I never really actually SAW it before, not really. It was amazing....I'll post a couple photos in the next post.

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